5. Why is the sentence "Time flies like an arrow" difficult for a computer to parse translate or understand?
Automatic translation was the method that used the parsing program which would analyze sentence structure and identify each word according to whether it was a subject, verb, or other part of speech. The word by word approach failed because without understanding the translation is impossible.
7. What is a knowledge base? What is an expert system? How are the two related?
A knowledge base contains a system of rules of determining and changing the relationship among facts. Facts stored in a database are rigidly organized in categories. An expert system is a software program designed to replicate the decision making process of a human expert.
11. What rules might a computer use to sort the characters shown on page 597 into A's and B's?
Optical character Recognition locates and identifies printed characters embedded in images-it reads text. Much current work in artificial intelligence is focused on neural networks or neural nets-distrubuted, parallel computing systems inspired by the structure of the human brain. For a neaural net to learn to recognize the letter A, it must go through a series of trals in which circuite patterns that produce incorrect guesses are weakened and patterns that produce correct guesses are strengthened.
14. What distinguishes a robot from a desktop computer?
A robot is a computer controlled machine designed to perform specific manual tasks. Robots include output peripherals for manipulating their environments and input sensors that enable them to perform self-correcting actions based on feedback from outside. Robots perform a variety of dangerous and tedious tasks, in some cases, outperforming humans. The most important hardware differences between robots and other computers are the input and output peripherals.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Increase Teleworking
Teleworking or Telecommuting is literally, "employment at home while communicating with the workplace by phone, fax, or modem"
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Discussion Question:
Is the Turing test a valid test of intelligence? Why or why not?
The Turing test is a test of a machine's ability to demonstrate intelligence. A human judge engages in a natural language conversation with one human and one machine, each of which tries to appear human. All participants are separated from one another. If the judge cannot reliably tell the machine from the human, the machine is said to have passed the test. I think that it is not a valid way to test intelligence because intelligence is not just the ability to communicate but the ability to do work too. I feel an intelligent machine would commmunicate and do required work.
List several mental task that people do better than computers. List several mental tasks that computers do better than people. Can you find any general characteristics that distinguisht he intems ofn the two lists.
Humans can feel emotion and have the ability to love, hate, and be sad whereas computers are completely emotionless. Computers and humans can multi-task.
The Turing test is a test of a machine's ability to demonstrate intelligence. A human judge engages in a natural language conversation with one human and one machine, each of which tries to appear human. All participants are separated from one another. If the judge cannot reliably tell the machine from the human, the machine is said to have passed the test. I think that it is not a valid way to test intelligence because intelligence is not just the ability to communicate but the ability to do work too. I feel an intelligent machine would commmunicate and do required work.
List several mental task that people do better than computers. List several mental tasks that computers do better than people. Can you find any general characteristics that distinguisht he intems ofn the two lists.
Humans can feel emotion and have the ability to love, hate, and be sad whereas computers are completely emotionless. Computers and humans can multi-task.
Monday, April 25, 2011
4 Review Questions: p535-540
1. In what sense is AI a "moving frontier"?
According to a textbook definition, artificial intelligence is a moving frontier. Elaine Rich says, "artificial intelligence is the study how to make computers do things at which at the moment, people are better. It can be seen as "whatever has not be done yet."
2. What are disadvantages of the approach to AI that attempts to simulate human intelligence? What is the alternative?
Some disadvantages include people having trouble knowing and describing how they do things, vast differences between the structure and capabilites of the human brain and those of the computer, and the best way to do something with a machine is often very different from the way people would do it. The alternative involves designing intelligent machines independent of the way people think.
3. Describe several techniques used in game-playing software and explain how they can be applied to other AI applications.
One way to win a game is through searching, looking ahead at the possibilities generated by each potential move. Another technique is heuristics which is basically a rule of thumb. It guides us toward judgements that experience tells us are likely to be true. Third is pattern recognition where a recurring pattern is recognized. This is a huge advantage for the human players against the opponent. Lastly, there is machine learning which is if a move pays off, a learning program will use that technique in future games.
6. What is the relationship between syntax and semantics? Can you construct a sentence that follows rules of English syntax but has nonsense semantics?
Syntax is a set of rules for constructing sentences from words whereas semantics is the underlying meaning of words and phrases. I mean you can construct a sentence but what good would it do without proper semantics. A perfect english sentence would follow the rules of syntax and semantics.
According to a textbook definition, artificial intelligence is a moving frontier. Elaine Rich says, "artificial intelligence is the study how to make computers do things at which at the moment, people are better. It can be seen as "whatever has not be done yet."
2. What are disadvantages of the approach to AI that attempts to simulate human intelligence? What is the alternative?
Some disadvantages include people having trouble knowing and describing how they do things, vast differences between the structure and capabilites of the human brain and those of the computer, and the best way to do something with a machine is often very different from the way people would do it. The alternative involves designing intelligent machines independent of the way people think.
3. Describe several techniques used in game-playing software and explain how they can be applied to other AI applications.
One way to win a game is through searching, looking ahead at the possibilities generated by each potential move. Another technique is heuristics which is basically a rule of thumb. It guides us toward judgements that experience tells us are likely to be true. Third is pattern recognition where a recurring pattern is recognized. This is a huge advantage for the human players against the opponent. Lastly, there is machine learning which is if a move pays off, a learning program will use that technique in future games.
6. What is the relationship between syntax and semantics? Can you construct a sentence that follows rules of English syntax but has nonsense semantics?
Syntax is a set of rules for constructing sentences from words whereas semantics is the underlying meaning of words and phrases. I mean you can construct a sentence but what good would it do without proper semantics. A perfect english sentence would follow the rules of syntax and semantics.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Review Questions for p. 470-475
1. Define Key Terms.
-B2B: e-commerce tranactions that incolve ebusinesses providing goods or services to toerh businesses.
-B2C: e-commerce transactions that involve businesses providing goods or services to consumers.
-B2E: another name for the B2B model when the focus is primarily on handling the activities that take place within the organization.
-C2C: The e-commerce model with represents indiviuals, organizations, or companies that are selling and buying directly with each other via the Internet.
-CRM: software sustems for organizing and tracing information on customers.
-dot-com: internet based companies
-e-commerce: business transactions through electronic networks.
-electronic payment system: an online credit card transaction in which a trusted third party transfers fund form one person or business to another, thereby concealingthe credit card information of the buyer from the seller.
-intranet: a self-contained interorganizational network that is designed using the same technology as the Internet.
-mobile commerce: in which workers use laptips and wireless handheld devices to take their offices with them wherever they travel.
-virtual private network: a network that uses encryption software to create secure tunnels through the public internet or between intranets.
-web hosting service: a service that provides the e-commerce software and expertise to run an online business.
6. What is the purpose of extranets? What is the main characteristics of an extranet?
An extranet is an extended intranet which is a private interorganizational information sustem connectinf the intraners of two or more companies in an e-marketplace. Some characterices of an extranet include a secure private network, public network, birtual private network.
8. List the capabilities e-commerce software should provide.
-B2B: e-commerce tranactions that incolve ebusinesses providing goods or services to toerh businesses.
-B2C: e-commerce transactions that involve businesses providing goods or services to consumers.
-B2E: another name for the B2B model when the focus is primarily on handling the activities that take place within the organization.
-C2C: The e-commerce model with represents indiviuals, organizations, or companies that are selling and buying directly with each other via the Internet.
-CRM: software sustems for organizing and tracing information on customers.
-dot-com: internet based companies
-e-commerce: business transactions through electronic networks.
-electronic payment system: an online credit card transaction in which a trusted third party transfers fund form one person or business to another, thereby concealingthe credit card information of the buyer from the seller.
-intranet: a self-contained interorganizational network that is designed using the same technology as the Internet.
-mobile commerce: in which workers use laptips and wireless handheld devices to take their offices with them wherever they travel.
-virtual private network: a network that uses encryption software to create secure tunnels through the public internet or between intranets.
-web hosting service: a service that provides the e-commerce software and expertise to run an online business.
6. What is the purpose of extranets? What is the main characteristics of an extranet?
An extranet is an extended intranet which is a private interorganizational information sustem connectinf the intraners of two or more companies in an e-marketplace. Some characterices of an extranet include a secure private network, public network, birtual private network.
8. List the capabilities e-commerce software should provide.
-increasing the speed of business to business transactions
-reducing errors on intercompany transactions
-reducing costs of telecommunications
-increasing the volume of business with partners
-exchaning business to business documents
-checking on inventory and order status from suppliers
-collaborating with business partners on joint projects.
9. List the ethical issues of E-Commerce.
-A statement of the of the organization's privacy policy
-A statement that a person's permission must be secured before his or her ID
-A statement on how the company will inform cnusomers of the inteneded uses of personal information gathered during an online tranactions.
-A statement that addresses issues of ownership with respect to network postings and communication
-A statement of how the company moniters or tracks user behavior.
Review Questions for p. 461-464
2. Is e-commerce possible without the Internet?
Electronic commerce is the process of sharing business information, maintaining business relationships, and conducting business transactions through the use of telecommunications networks. The answer to the question is no because of the clause that all of e-commerce is possible through the use of telecommunications networks. Some say that since the 1990s, e-commerce is internet based.
3. Describe the three forms of e-commerce.
a. The first form of e-commerce is B2B (business-to-business) which represents interorganizational information systems in which a company handles transactions within its own value chain and with other businesses and organizations.
b. The second form of e-commerce is B2B (business to consumer) which represents retail transactions between a company and individual customers.
c. The third form of e-commerce is C2C which represents indiviuals, organizations, or companies that are selling and buying directly with each other via the Internet.
4. What are the main purposes of the Intranet? What are the Characteristics?
An intranet is made up of physical technology and information content. The physical elements of an intranet are a network and other computers wih client software installed. The physical network can be LAN or WAN. The communication software for an intranet includes middleware and TCP/IP. An intranet also includes firewall software for secuity and an intranet should provide users within an organization easy access to information.
5. What are three important ways companies use intranets?
a. To provide employees access to imporant information for their jobs
b. facilitate employees teamwork and collaboration within and amond departments
c. to process internal company tranactions online.
Electronic commerce is the process of sharing business information, maintaining business relationships, and conducting business transactions through the use of telecommunications networks. The answer to the question is no because of the clause that all of e-commerce is possible through the use of telecommunications networks. Some say that since the 1990s, e-commerce is internet based.
3. Describe the three forms of e-commerce.
a. The first form of e-commerce is B2B (business-to-business) which represents interorganizational information systems in which a company handles transactions within its own value chain and with other businesses and organizations.
b. The second form of e-commerce is B2B (business to consumer) which represents retail transactions between a company and individual customers.
c. The third form of e-commerce is C2C which represents indiviuals, organizations, or companies that are selling and buying directly with each other via the Internet.
4. What are the main purposes of the Intranet? What are the Characteristics?
An intranet is made up of physical technology and information content. The physical elements of an intranet are a network and other computers wih client software installed. The physical network can be LAN or WAN. The communication software for an intranet includes middleware and TCP/IP. An intranet also includes firewall software for secuity and an intranet should provide users within an organization easy access to information.
5. What are three important ways companies use intranets?
a. To provide employees access to imporant information for their jobs
b. facilitate employees teamwork and collaboration within and amond departments
c. to process internal company tranactions online.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Discussion Question:
You are planning on starting your own business selling clothes. Discuss pros and cons for starting an e-business
A few pros of having an e-business that people anywhere can purchase your clothes. Let's say I am in China and I want to buy the new Michael Kors bag but it isn't available in China, then I would go online and buy it. Same thing, if I have a very popular bag then anyone, anywhere in the world who has access to a computer and a credit/debit card can purchase the bag. Also any positive would be that these are made to sell stuff. Like if I had a whole store full of bags and 300 bags were still left unsold then I would just end up either throwing them away, giving them away, or selling them for less that I bought them just to get rid it. A con of having an e business is many hackers target e businesses and steal information and money. In order to prevent that, one must buy a very high end security system and that could cost a lot of money but could be a very good investment. Another big con is that consumers will not be able to try on the clothes before they buy it and let's say that someone bought a shirt but it was not their size, then when they ship it back to us, it costs the business money, and then shipping it back to them also costs us money. Lastly, the price of shipping nowadays is SO expensive and first even I had the consumer pay the shipping, it would be a HUGE turnoff to pay like $30 for shipping.
A few pros of having an e-business that people anywhere can purchase your clothes. Let's say I am in China and I want to buy the new Michael Kors bag but it isn't available in China, then I would go online and buy it. Same thing, if I have a very popular bag then anyone, anywhere in the world who has access to a computer and a credit/debit card can purchase the bag. Also any positive would be that these are made to sell stuff. Like if I had a whole store full of bags and 300 bags were still left unsold then I would just end up either throwing them away, giving them away, or selling them for less that I bought them just to get rid it. A con of having an e business is many hackers target e businesses and steal information and money. In order to prevent that, one must buy a very high end security system and that could cost a lot of money but could be a very good investment. Another big con is that consumers will not be able to try on the clothes before they buy it and let's say that someone bought a shirt but it was not their size, then when they ship it back to us, it costs the business money, and then shipping it back to them also costs us money. Lastly, the price of shipping nowadays is SO expensive and first even I had the consumer pay the shipping, it would be a HUGE turnoff to pay like $30 for shipping.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Discussion Question:
If someone discovers a cure for the common cold, should he or she hide it to protect the jobs of allt he people who work in the huge cold-medicine industry?
Identify reasons why so many people react negatively to advances in technology that eliminates some jobs.
If someone discovers a cure for the common cold, many research jobs could become obsolete and many people would lose their jobs, and the economy would just be sunk. Though this is really wrong, we still must think about the greater good, curing the common cold. By curing the common cold, so many problems are solved, and if a person with bad immunity gets the common cold it could become fatal. This breakthrough could save many lives and it would be selfish to keep it but at the same time it is selfless because that person is trying to save jobs. Oh! The confusion! Most people react negatively to advances to technology because then their trade becomes obsolete and could lead to many financial and economical problems but these people need to ADAPT! This is a shark eat shark eat dog eat dog eat cat eat cat eat fish eat fish world.
Identify reasons why so many people react negatively to advances in technology that eliminates some jobs.
If someone discovers a cure for the common cold, many research jobs could become obsolete and many people would lose their jobs, and the economy would just be sunk. Though this is really wrong, we still must think about the greater good, curing the common cold. By curing the common cold, so many problems are solved, and if a person with bad immunity gets the common cold it could become fatal. This breakthrough could save many lives and it would be selfish to keep it but at the same time it is selfless because that person is trying to save jobs. Oh! The confusion! Most people react negatively to advances to technology because then their trade becomes obsolete and could lead to many financial and economical problems but these people need to ADAPT! This is a shark eat shark eat dog eat dog eat cat eat cat eat fish eat fish world.
Discussion Question:
Do computers increase or decrease efficiency? Explain.
- What are some fears generated by the use of tech/computers in the work place?
- List 3 jobs/skills that have become obsolete in the 21st century and 3 jobs/skills that have taken their place.
I feel that technology really has helped in the aspect of efficiency but it also can also lead to inefficiency. Why? Due to the fact that it does take time to learn and get used to the software but once one gets used to it, it really is more efficient. Some fears generated in the work place is that one might lose all their work or that confidential stuff can be stolen. Three jobs that have become obsolete is the job of the librarian, factory work, and layout artist. These jobs can be done using computers and machinery.
- What are some fears generated by the use of tech/computers in the work place?
- List 3 jobs/skills that have become obsolete in the 21st century and 3 jobs/skills that have taken their place.
I feel that technology really has helped in the aspect of efficiency but it also can also lead to inefficiency. Why? Due to the fact that it does take time to learn and get used to the software but once one gets used to it, it really is more efficient. Some fears generated in the work place is that one might lose all their work or that confidential stuff can be stolen. Three jobs that have become obsolete is the job of the librarian, factory work, and layout artist. These jobs can be done using computers and machinery.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Page 399-409
1. Define each key term.
-authoring tools: software used to create multimedia presentations.
-automated factory: a factory that uses extensive computer systems, robots, and networks to streamline and automate many jobs.
-automated offices: offices that use extensive computer systems and networks to streamline information flow and automate many processes.
-CIOs: the chief decision makers concerning enterprise systems.
-CTOs: chief technology officers.
-computer monitoring: using computer technology to track, record, and evaluate worker performance often without the knowledge of the worker.
-courseware: educational software
-de-skilled:job requires less skill
-distance education: using computers to extend the educational process beyond the walls of school.
-distributed computing: integrated all kinds of computers
-drill and practice software: teaching software based on the principles of individualized rate.
-edutainment: programs that combine education and entertainment
-e-commerce: business transactions through electronic networks.
-electronic cottage: a home which enables a person to work at home.
-electronic sweatshops: worker warehouses where most of the work is mindless keyboarding.
-filtering software: software that keeps inappropriate and offensive content from being viewed by children
-globalization: the creation of global businesses and markets
-groupware: software designed to be used by work groups instead of individuals
-intranet: an inter organized network that uses the same technology as the Internet.
-Luddites: one who opposes new technology
-paperless office: an office of the future where technology is replace paper
-satellite office: workplaces that enable workers to commute to smaller offices closer to their homes.
-smart card: a card that looks like a standard credit card but features a microprocessor.
-technophobia: fear of technology
-telecommuting: working at home by modem
up-skilled: job requires more skill
7. Describe controversy surrounding electronic sweatshop.
Electronic sweatshop is a data entry shop that contains hundreds of clerks sitting at terminals in a massive, windowless room. Workers, often minorities and female, are paid minimum wage to do mindless keyboarding. Many of these workers experience headaches, backaches, serious wrist injuries, stress, anxiety, and other health problems.
10. What kind of education does a student need to prepare for living and working in the information age?
Socrates says, education is not the filling of the vessel but the rekindling of a candle. The education a student needs in order to prepare for living and working in the information age is literacy, mathematics, culture, communication, and learning how to learn.
16. What are smart cards?
A smart card looks like a standard credit card but instead of a magnetic strip it contains an embedded microprocessor and memory.
-authoring tools: software used to create multimedia presentations.
-automated factory: a factory that uses extensive computer systems, robots, and networks to streamline and automate many jobs.
-automated offices: offices that use extensive computer systems and networks to streamline information flow and automate many processes.
-CIOs: the chief decision makers concerning enterprise systems.
-CTOs: chief technology officers.
-computer monitoring: using computer technology to track, record, and evaluate worker performance often without the knowledge of the worker.
-courseware: educational software
-de-skilled:job requires less skill
-distance education: using computers to extend the educational process beyond the walls of school.
-distributed computing: integrated all kinds of computers
-drill and practice software: teaching software based on the principles of individualized rate.
-edutainment: programs that combine education and entertainment
-e-commerce: business transactions through electronic networks.
-electronic cottage: a home which enables a person to work at home.
-electronic sweatshops: worker warehouses where most of the work is mindless keyboarding.
-filtering software: software that keeps inappropriate and offensive content from being viewed by children
-globalization: the creation of global businesses and markets
-groupware: software designed to be used by work groups instead of individuals
-intranet: an inter organized network that uses the same technology as the Internet.
-Luddites: one who opposes new technology
-paperless office: an office of the future where technology is replace paper
-satellite office: workplaces that enable workers to commute to smaller offices closer to their homes.
-smart card: a card that looks like a standard credit card but features a microprocessor.
-technophobia: fear of technology
-telecommuting: working at home by modem
up-skilled: job requires more skill
7. Describe controversy surrounding electronic sweatshop.
Electronic sweatshop is a data entry shop that contains hundreds of clerks sitting at terminals in a massive, windowless room. Workers, often minorities and female, are paid minimum wage to do mindless keyboarding. Many of these workers experience headaches, backaches, serious wrist injuries, stress, anxiety, and other health problems.
10. What kind of education does a student need to prepare for living and working in the information age?
Socrates says, education is not the filling of the vessel but the rekindling of a candle. The education a student needs in order to prepare for living and working in the information age is literacy, mathematics, culture, communication, and learning how to learn.
16. What are smart cards?
A smart card looks like a standard credit card but instead of a magnetic strip it contains an embedded microprocessor and memory.
383-387 Reading Questions
2. What are the major components of the modern automated factory?
An automated factory is a factory that uses extensive computer system, robots, and networks to streamline and automate many jobs. The modern automated factory is a robot which is a computer controlled machine designed to perform specific manual tasks such as assembly line jobs. But robots are only one factor of an automated factory, computers also help track inventory, time and delivery parts, control the quality of the production, monitor wear and tear on machines, and schedule maintenance.
3. How has the evolution of the automated office paralleled the evolution of the computer?
Modern offices have been transformed by computers. Office automations goes back to the mainframe era when banks and other large institutions used computers for behind the scenes such as accounting and payroll. They were faster than the systems they replaced but were very difficult to use. Using timesharing enabled workers to access computer data. As computer function evolved, so did the ways offices function did too.
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting from the point of view of the worker? management? society?
From the worker point of view: An advantage would be saving time. Instead of driving two hours to get to work and then working five hours then driving back another two hours, telecommuting saves four hours. It can also give one a very flexible schedule. A disadvantage would be there would be no office social life and it requires a good amount of self-discipline. Lastly, workaholism cuts into family time.
From the point of view of management: Productivity skyrockets, which is a huge advantage but a big negative would be that this would not apply to jobs requiring interaction.
From the point of view of society: An advantage would be that it reduces the number of cars on the street which equals less pollution. A disadvantage would be that workaholism can lead to dysfunctional families.
5. What is de-skilling? What is up-skilling? Give examples of each.
De-skilling is when a job is transformed so it requires less skill. This is shown when offices automate clerical jobs.
Up-skilling is when a job becomes more technical, requiring the workers to have more skills. Like when some clerical jobs becomes more technical when adopting databases and other computer functions.
An automated factory is a factory that uses extensive computer system, robots, and networks to streamline and automate many jobs. The modern automated factory is a robot which is a computer controlled machine designed to perform specific manual tasks such as assembly line jobs. But robots are only one factor of an automated factory, computers also help track inventory, time and delivery parts, control the quality of the production, monitor wear and tear on machines, and schedule maintenance.
3. How has the evolution of the automated office paralleled the evolution of the computer?
Modern offices have been transformed by computers. Office automations goes back to the mainframe era when banks and other large institutions used computers for behind the scenes such as accounting and payroll. They were faster than the systems they replaced but were very difficult to use. Using timesharing enabled workers to access computer data. As computer function evolved, so did the ways offices function did too.
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting from the point of view of the worker? management? society?
From the worker point of view: An advantage would be saving time. Instead of driving two hours to get to work and then working five hours then driving back another two hours, telecommuting saves four hours. It can also give one a very flexible schedule. A disadvantage would be there would be no office social life and it requires a good amount of self-discipline. Lastly, workaholism cuts into family time.
From the point of view of management: Productivity skyrockets, which is a huge advantage but a big negative would be that this would not apply to jobs requiring interaction.
From the point of view of society: An advantage would be that it reduces the number of cars on the street which equals less pollution. A disadvantage would be that workaholism can lead to dysfunctional families.
5. What is de-skilling? What is up-skilling? Give examples of each.
De-skilling is when a job is transformed so it requires less skill. This is shown when offices automate clerical jobs.
Up-skilling is when a job becomes more technical, requiring the workers to have more skills. Like when some clerical jobs becomes more technical when adopting databases and other computer functions.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
LATE: Pg 237-245 4 Reading Questions
7. What does it mean to sort a data file?
To sort data means to arrange records in an alphabetic or numeric order based on value in one or more fields.
8. How can a database be designed to reduce the likelihood of data entry errors?
Using relational databases and key fields can help reduce the likelihood of data entry errors. The data scrubbing can be done through a database and remove dirty data.
10. Do we have a legal right to privacy? On what ground?
I believe we do have a legal right to privacy on the ground to being American where we are protected by our constitution. Though the times may lead to the stripping of our privacy, we still have a legal right to it.
11. Why are computers important in discussions of invasion of privacy?
Computers are so important in this discussion because with use of computers many privacy problems arise such as identity theft, data mining, and our personal data can be sold to companies. It is sad to see that our privacy is being sold for a price.
To sort data means to arrange records in an alphabetic or numeric order based on value in one or more fields.
8. How can a database be designed to reduce the likelihood of data entry errors?
Using relational databases and key fields can help reduce the likelihood of data entry errors. The data scrubbing can be done through a database and remove dirty data.
10. Do we have a legal right to privacy? On what ground?
I believe we do have a legal right to privacy on the ground to being American where we are protected by our constitution. Though the times may lead to the stripping of our privacy, we still have a legal right to it.
11. Why are computers important in discussions of invasion of privacy?
Computers are so important in this discussion because with use of computers many privacy problems arise such as identity theft, data mining, and our personal data can be sold to companies. It is sad to see that our privacy is being sold for a price.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
3/23/11 Review Questions
6. An email address has a username, a hostname, a domain, and in some cases a sub domain whereas URLS have protocols for web pages, a domain name, a path, and a resource file. URLs and emails both use top level domains.
7. File transfer protocol allows users to transfer files. File compression saves storage space on disk and saves transmission time when files are transferred through networks.
11. Push technology is when information is delivered automatically to the client computer. Usually web pages are delivered in packets and reassembled when they reach their destination.
12. As the internet becomes more commercialized there is a whole new surge of information, bad news is that there are some consequences to this discovery such as combatting inappropriate content, credit card/identity theft, email forgery and the list goes on that is why proper protection is needed.
7. File transfer protocol allows users to transfer files. File compression saves storage space on disk and saves transmission time when files are transferred through networks.
11. Push technology is when information is delivered automatically to the client computer. Usually web pages are delivered in packets and reassembled when they reach their destination.
12. As the internet becomes more commercialized there is a whole new surge of information, bad news is that there are some consequences to this discovery such as combatting inappropriate content, credit card/identity theft, email forgery and the list goes on that is why proper protection is needed.
Chapter 9
Batch Processing: computers doing one process at a time
1957: remote connection so developers could work directly on the computers.
Arpanet lead to RAND, NPL, and CYCLADES which are the foundation for Internet
Protocol: Rules
Chapter 9: The Evolving Internet
ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) is predecessor to the Internet.
The Internet is an interconnected network of thousands of networks which links academic, research, governemnt, and commerical institutions
TCP/IP allows cross network comunication and breaks messages into packets, which is both flexible and robust
IP is the address for the packets.
The host is named using the Domain Name System which translates a string of IP address.
An email address includes: username@hostname.sub.dom.
Direct Connection: computer has its own IP address and is attached to a LAN
Dial Up Connection: limited connection in contrast to modem
Broadband Connections: DSL and Cable Modem Connection
Satellite Connection: using sattelite dishes
Email Server: post office for a particular host
File Server: like LANs
FTP allows users to transfer files.
Application server stores applications-PC office applications, databases, or other applications
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol
1957: remote connection so developers could work directly on the computers.
Arpanet lead to RAND, NPL, and CYCLADES which are the foundation for Internet
Protocol: Rules
Chapter 9: The Evolving Internet
ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) is predecessor to the Internet.
The Internet is an interconnected network of thousands of networks which links academic, research, governemnt, and commerical institutions
TCP/IP allows cross network comunication and breaks messages into packets, which is both flexible and robust
IP is the address for the packets.
The host is named using the Domain Name System which translates a string of IP address.
An email address includes: username@hostname.sub.dom.
Direct Connection: computer has its own IP address and is attached to a LAN
Dial Up Connection: limited connection in contrast to modem
Broadband Connections: DSL and Cable Modem Connection
Satellite Connection: using sattelite dishes
Email Server: post office for a particular host
File Server: like LANs
FTP allows users to transfer files.
Application server stores applications-PC office applications, databases, or other applications
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Top Level Domains
A defintion of a top level domain from Wikipedia is "A top-level domain (TLD) is one of the domains at the highest level in the hierarchical Domain Name System of the Internet. The top-level domain names are installed in the root zone of the name space." For this assignment I will describe 10 top level domains.
1. .com: This involves commercial entities. Initially created for profit websites it eventually turned into a top level domain that is most used because anyone can register.
2. .gov: This involves government entities. Only US government people are allowed to use it.
3. .edu: This involves education entities
4. .net: network
5. .org: organization
6. .mil: military
7. .job: companies
8. .pro: professional
9. .biz: businesses
10. .info: an open top level domain that anyone can register to but is mostly used for webstites that convey information
1. .com: This involves commercial entities. Initially created for profit websites it eventually turned into a top level domain that is most used because anyone can register.
2. .gov: This involves government entities. Only US government people are allowed to use it.
3. .edu: This involves education entities
4. .net: network
5. .org: organization
6. .mil: military
7. .job: companies
8. .pro: professional
9. .biz: businesses
10. .info: an open top level domain that anyone can register to but is mostly used for webstites that convey information
Monday, March 21, 2011
Review Questions 3/21/11
1. Key Terms
-Internet: an interconnected network of thousands of networks
-TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
-Routers: Host system
-IP: address for packers
-DNS: (Domain Name System) the host uses this and it translates IP addresses into a string of names.
-username: person's mailbox
-hostnames: name of the host computer and is followed by one or more domains seperated by period like host.domain
-Direct (dedicated) connection: computer has its own IP address and is attached to a LAN
-Dialup Connection: limited connection using a modem
-satellite connection provides connection using direcTV satellite dishes.
-Internet Service Providers: provide connections through local telephone lines
2. It links academic, research, government, and commerical institutions. On top of that it connects computer to about every country in the world. It is growing too fast to measure its growth, it is decentralized, and does not have boundaries.
3. TCP IP or the transmission Control Protocol/Interner Protocol is the heart of the internet. It allows cross network communication. It also breaks messages into packets ( each packet has all the information needed to travel from network to network)
4. This is a very important question because lets say that the network is not secure then you can't order anything online or else your data would be vulnerable.
-Internet: an interconnected network of thousands of networks
-TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
-Routers: Host system
-IP: address for packers
-DNS: (Domain Name System) the host uses this and it translates IP addresses into a string of names.
-username: person's mailbox
-hostnames: name of the host computer and is followed by one or more domains seperated by period like host.domain
-Direct (dedicated) connection: computer has its own IP address and is attached to a LAN
-Dialup Connection: limited connection using a modem
-satellite connection provides connection using direcTV satellite dishes.
-Internet Service Providers: provide connections through local telephone lines
2. It links academic, research, government, and commerical institutions. On top of that it connects computer to about every country in the world. It is growing too fast to measure its growth, it is decentralized, and does not have boundaries.
3. TCP IP or the transmission Control Protocol/Interner Protocol is the heart of the internet. It allows cross network communication. It also breaks messages into packets ( each packet has all the information needed to travel from network to network)
4. This is a very important question because lets say that the network is not secure then you can't order anything online or else your data would be vulnerable.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Chapter 8
Global Positioning System
--> CPS is a specialized network developed by US Department of Defense
--> 24 satellites that revolve around the Earth
ATM: a specialized terminal linked to a bank's main computer through a commercial banking network
Network Interfere Card permits direct network connection adds an additional serial port to the computer and controls the flow of data between the computer's RAM and the network cable.
Modem: a hardware that connects a computer's serial port to a telephone line (for remote access)
-Computers send digital signals
-the modem converts the digital signals to analog so that the message can be transmitted through telephone lines.
Broadband Connection: a connection with much greater bandwidth than modems
Fiber Optic Cables: DSL and cable modems have nowhere near the bandwidth of it that replace copper wires.
Bluetooth: another type of wireless technology
Asynchronous communication is when mailing lists and newsgroups are delayed
Voice mail: messaging system with the ability to store, organize, and forward messages
--> CPS is a specialized network developed by US Department of Defense
--> 24 satellites that revolve around the Earth
ATM: a specialized terminal linked to a bank's main computer through a commercial banking network
Network Interfere Card permits direct network connection adds an additional serial port to the computer and controls the flow of data between the computer's RAM and the network cable.
Modem: a hardware that connects a computer's serial port to a telephone line (for remote access)
-Computers send digital signals
-the modem converts the digital signals to analog so that the message can be transmitted through telephone lines.
Broadband Connection: a connection with much greater bandwidth than modems
Fiber Optic Cables: DSL and cable modems have nowhere near the bandwidth of it that replace copper wires.
Bluetooth: another type of wireless technology
Asynchronous communication is when mailing lists and newsgroups are delayed
Voice mail: messaging system with the ability to store, organize, and forward messages
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
1/16/11 Discussion Questions: 280-287
6. They would come from a TCP/IP Novell and Windows. These type of communications systems help us interact with other softwares.
8. Instant Messaging is a technolog that enables users to create buddy lists, check for buddies who are logged in, and exchange typed messages and files with those who are whereas email allows internet users to send mail messages, data files, and software programs to other Internet users and to users of most commercial networks and online services.
10. Some negatives and consequences would include email issues, cookies access, security, privacy, perils of posting too much information, internet addiction. In regards to privacy, it can lead to a lot of cyber bullying and risk of communicating with someone you do not know.
13. Netiquette is Internet and Messaging Etiquette. The Internet is like a society, and with a society comes rules and without rules there is chaos. Some of their rules are behavior rules and guidelines. Some examples would be say what you mean, and say it with care, Keep it Short, Proofread your message, son't assume you're anonymous, and so on.
8. Instant Messaging is a technolog that enables users to create buddy lists, check for buddies who are logged in, and exchange typed messages and files with those who are whereas email allows internet users to send mail messages, data files, and software programs to other Internet users and to users of most commercial networks and online services.
10. Some negatives and consequences would include email issues, cookies access, security, privacy, perils of posting too much information, internet addiction. In regards to privacy, it can lead to a lot of cyber bullying and risk of communicating with someone you do not know.
13. Netiquette is Internet and Messaging Etiquette. The Internet is like a society, and with a society comes rules and without rules there is chaos. Some of their rules are behavior rules and guidelines. Some examples would be say what you mean, and say it with care, Keep it Short, Proofread your message, son't assume you're anonymous, and so on.
Chapter 8
Network and Digital Communication:
Clarke's Law: If an elderly but distinguished scientist says that something is possible he is almost certainly right
A computer network is a system of two or more computers linked together.
Local Area Network: Physically close together ususally in the same building.
Node are connected by cables which may be either twisted pair or coaxial cable.
A metropolitan area network (MAN) links two or more LANs with a city'Wide Area Network (WAN) extends over a long distance
Routers: hardware devices or software programs that route messages as they travel between networks
Clarke's Law: If an elderly but distinguished scientist says that something is possible he is almost certainly right
A computer network is a system of two or more computers linked together.
Local Area Network: Physically close together ususally in the same building.
Node are connected by cables which may be either twisted pair or coaxial cable.
A metropolitan area network (MAN) links two or more LANs with a city'Wide Area Network (WAN) extends over a long distance
Routers: hardware devices or software programs that route messages as they travel between networks
Discussion Questions:
Suppose you have an important message to send to a friend in another city, and you can use the telephone, email, real-time teleconference, fax, or overnight mail service. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. See if you can think of a situation for each of the five options in which that particular option is the most appropriate choice.
If I had an important message to send to my friend and I had to use telephone: An advantage is that you can instantly connect to a person no matter how far they are and convey your message through a telephone. A couple big disadvantages is that if that person does not have a phone near them, they may not get the message in time. Also, because over the phone, there may be some miscommunication.
If I had an important message to send to my friend and I had to use email: An advantage would be that right there and then, the message is sent and in that person's inbox. A disadvantage is that using email can also bring miscommunication because it is all words. Also if you make a spelling error, you can accidently send something that is vulgar.
If I had an important message to send to my friend and I had to use real-time conference: An advantage would be that I could see and talk to my friend and see them, it would be like we are together but we are not. I think the only disadvantage would be that the internet connection might go bad.
If I had an important message to send to my friend and I had to use fax: An advantage would be that they would get my message exactly the way you write it up but not only does it take time to send the fax but sometimes if the connection is down then what happens is that the fax does not go through and the message just gets lost in space.
If I had an important message to send to my friend and I had to use overnight mail: I think that it is self evident that the biggest consequence would be that the message goes through overnight. It takes time and is not efficient.
If I had an important message to send to my friend and I had to use telephone: An advantage is that you can instantly connect to a person no matter how far they are and convey your message through a telephone. A couple big disadvantages is that if that person does not have a phone near them, they may not get the message in time. Also, because over the phone, there may be some miscommunication.
If I had an important message to send to my friend and I had to use email: An advantage would be that right there and then, the message is sent and in that person's inbox. A disadvantage is that using email can also bring miscommunication because it is all words. Also if you make a spelling error, you can accidently send something that is vulgar.
If I had an important message to send to my friend and I had to use real-time conference: An advantage would be that I could see and talk to my friend and see them, it would be like we are together but we are not. I think the only disadvantage would be that the internet connection might go bad.
If I had an important message to send to my friend and I had to use fax: An advantage would be that they would get my message exactly the way you write it up but not only does it take time to send the fax but sometimes if the connection is down then what happens is that the fax does not go through and the message just gets lost in space.
If I had an important message to send to my friend and I had to use overnight mail: I think that it is self evident that the biggest consequence would be that the message goes through overnight. It takes time and is not efficient.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Page 262-272 Reading Questions:
1. Key Terms:
-analog signals: a continuous wave
-bandwidth: the quantity of information that can be transmitted through a c ommunication medium in a given amount of time.
-bits per second: the standard unit of measure for modem speed.
-digital signal: a stream of bits
-direct connection: a dedicated direct connection to the Internet through a LAN with a computer having its own IP address
-ethernet: a popular networking architecture developed in 1976 at Xerox.
fiber-optic cable: high capacity cable that uses light waves to carry information at blinding speeds.
-Global Positioning system: a defense department system with 24 satellites that can pinpoint any location on the Earth.
-Local Area Network: netowrk in which the computers are physically close to each other usually in the same building.
-modem: a hardware device that connects a computer to a telephone line.
-network interface card: card that adds an additional serial port to a computer.
-port: socket that allow information to pass in and out.
-remote access: network access via phone line, TV cable
-router: programs or devices that decide how to route Internet transmissions.
-server: a computer especially designed to provide software and other resources to other computers over a network.
-telecommunication: long distance electronic in a variety of forms.
-wide area network: the network extends long distance.
wireless network: a network in which a node has a tiny radio or infrared transmitter connected to its network so it can send and recieve data through air rather than cables
2. Three general reasons for the importance of computer networking is: connects people from different ends of the world, information barrier is now open, communicate with people using long distance and truly understand culture.
3. Using LAN and wireless network, it makes these three general reasons more possible and efficient and convenient for people on the move. The only down fall is that the computer need to be close together.
4. Using WAN, the network extends over long distance. This helps with the communication with LAN and WAN.
-analog signals: a continuous wave
-bandwidth: the quantity of information that can be transmitted through a c ommunication medium in a given amount of time.
-bits per second: the standard unit of measure for modem speed.
-digital signal: a stream of bits
-direct connection: a dedicated direct connection to the Internet through a LAN with a computer having its own IP address
-ethernet: a popular networking architecture developed in 1976 at Xerox.
fiber-optic cable: high capacity cable that uses light waves to carry information at blinding speeds.
-Global Positioning system: a defense department system with 24 satellites that can pinpoint any location on the Earth.
-Local Area Network: netowrk in which the computers are physically close to each other usually in the same building.
-modem: a hardware device that connects a computer to a telephone line.
-network interface card: card that adds an additional serial port to a computer.
-port: socket that allow information to pass in and out.
-remote access: network access via phone line, TV cable
-router: programs or devices that decide how to route Internet transmissions.
-server: a computer especially designed to provide software and other resources to other computers over a network.
-telecommunication: long distance electronic in a variety of forms.
-wide area network: the network extends long distance.
wireless network: a network in which a node has a tiny radio or infrared transmitter connected to its network so it can send and recieve data through air rather than cables
2. Three general reasons for the importance of computer networking is: connects people from different ends of the world, information barrier is now open, communicate with people using long distance and truly understand culture.
3. Using LAN and wireless network, it makes these three general reasons more possible and efficient and convenient for people on the move. The only down fall is that the computer need to be close together.
4. Using WAN, the network extends over long distance. This helps with the communication with LAN and WAN.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Chapter 7
Large Databases often contain hundreds of interrelated tables.
Batch processing: users accumulate transactions and input them into the computer in large batches.
Teal Time computing: allows instant access to information
Interactive processing: replaced batch processing for most application
Client/server computing involves two-way communications between applications running on the "client" PC and the "server" OC.
Downsizing and Decentralizing: Using a client/ server approach, users can take advantage
Data Mining: the discovery and extraction of hidden predictive information from large databases.
HTML: language used to construct most Web pages
XML: designed with industrial strength database access in ming
Web database strategies revolve around directories.
Director are the heart of CRM systems
Object-oriented databse: make database construction and usage more flexible and stores software objects that contains procedures along with data
-->easy manipulations of various types of data
--> saves time by reusing objects
Relational: not good with unstructered data
Multimedia Databases: serve as indexes for art, photogrpahs, maps, cideo clips, and other media file
-More than 15,000 specialized marketing databases contain 2,000,000 names
Privacy: notion of access, physical proximity to the person and knowldge about that person
--> people need a certain amount of provacy to maintain their dignity and freedom
--> information of people can be a great value to society
--not explictly in the constituition
Networks make it possible for personal data to be transmitted almost anywhere instantly
Workplace monitoring technology enables managers to learn more than ever before about the work habits and patterns of workers.
Batch processing: users accumulate transactions and input them into the computer in large batches.
Teal Time computing: allows instant access to information
Interactive processing: replaced batch processing for most application
Client/server computing involves two-way communications between applications running on the "client" PC and the "server" OC.
Downsizing and Decentralizing: Using a client/ server approach, users can take advantage
Data Mining: the discovery and extraction of hidden predictive information from large databases.
HTML: language used to construct most Web pages
XML: designed with industrial strength database access in ming
Web database strategies revolve around directories.
Director are the heart of CRM systems
Object-oriented databse: make database construction and usage more flexible and stores software objects that contains procedures along with data
-->easy manipulations of various types of data
--> saves time by reusing objects
Relational: not good with unstructered data
Multimedia Databases: serve as indexes for art, photogrpahs, maps, cideo clips, and other media file
-More than 15,000 specialized marketing databases contain 2,000,000 names
Privacy: notion of access, physical proximity to the person and knowldge about that person
--> people need a certain amount of provacy to maintain their dignity and freedom
--> information of people can be a great value to society
--not explictly in the constituition
Networks make it possible for personal data to be transmitted almost anywhere instantly
Workplace monitoring technology enables managers to learn more than ever before about the work habits and patterns of workers.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Discussion Question #1: Database
A database is a collection of information stored in an organized form in a computer. One of the biggest web services that enables a database is Google. This is a search engine I used all week. A few other databases I used was Bing, Yahoo, and Wikipedia. Honestly, thinking about a world without databases actually gives me shivers down my spine. With databases, we have all the information in the world in our fingertips and without it I feel kind of empty. I mean, for almost everything, I use Google. When I am looking up research, looking for a recipe, looking for anything, Google is there for me. Without it, we would just be kind of limited in knowledge. In the internet, there is a huge, universal amount of information. With databases, all the information is stored in an organized form.
HW #1: Read p. 224-232 and do 4RQs
1. Define or describe each of the key terms listed in the "Key Terms" section. Check your answers in the glossary.
-browse: the process of finding information in a data base or other data source, such as the World Wide Web.
-computed fields
-database: a collection of information stored in an organized form in a computer.
-database program: a software tool for organizing the storage and retrieval of the information in the database.
-field: each discrete chunk of information in a database record
-export data: transmitting records and fields from a database program to another program
-import data: to move data into a program from another program or source.
-query: an information request
record: in a database, the information relating to one person, product, or event.
-query language: a special language for performing queries
report: a database printout that is an ordered list of selected records and fields in a an easy to read form
search: looking for a specific record
select record: looking for all records that match criteria
sort: arrange records in alphabetical or numeric order
SQL: a query language available for different data management systems.
table: a grid of rows and columns; on many Web pages tables with hidden grids are used to align graphical images.
2. What is the difference between a file manager and a data-base management system? How are they similar?
A file management is where hard copies of the files are managed in a storage or file cabinet. A database management is something that can accessed via a computer. They both retrieve information such as names, numbers, prices.
3. What is a query? Give example of the kinds of questions that might be answered with a query.
An information request is a query. A query can be a specific search like (GeorgeWashington) or it can request to select all information that match the criteria.
4. Describe the structure of a simple database using the terms file, record, and field in the description.
Databases are made up of table which are made up of records which are made up of fields.
-browse: the process of finding information in a data base or other data source, such as the World Wide Web.
-computed fields
-database: a collection of information stored in an organized form in a computer.
-database program: a software tool for organizing the storage and retrieval of the information in the database.
-field: each discrete chunk of information in a database record
-export data: transmitting records and fields from a database program to another program
-import data: to move data into a program from another program or source.
-query: an information request
record: in a database, the information relating to one person, product, or event.
-query language: a special language for performing queries
report: a database printout that is an ordered list of selected records and fields in a an easy to read form
search: looking for a specific record
select record: looking for all records that match criteria
sort: arrange records in alphabetical or numeric order
SQL: a query language available for different data management systems.
table: a grid of rows and columns; on many Web pages tables with hidden grids are used to align graphical images.
2. What is the difference between a file manager and a data-base management system? How are they similar?
A file management is where hard copies of the files are managed in a storage or file cabinet. A database management is something that can accessed via a computer. They both retrieve information such as names, numbers, prices.
3. What is a query? Give example of the kinds of questions that might be answered with a query.
An information request is a query. A query can be a specific search like (GeorgeWashington) or it can request to select all information that match the criteria.
4. Describe the structure of a simple database using the terms file, record, and field in the description.
Databases are made up of table which are made up of records which are made up of fields.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Chapter 7
Most Modern database management programs support a standard language for programming complete queries called SQL
BQ: What does SQL stand for?
Personal information manager (PIM): an electronic organizer
-automates some or all or the following functions: address/phone book, appointmenr calender, to do list, miscellaneous notes
-handheld computers can share information with applications such as iCalender running on PCs and Macintoshes.
File Manager: enables users to work with one file a time
Database management system (DBMS): manipulates data in a large collection of data of files, cross-referencing between files as needed.
-used interactively or can be controlled by other programs.
To most users, a relational database program is one that allows tables to be related to each other.
-changes in one table are reflected in other tables automatically
To computer scientists, the term relational database has a technical definition related to: the underlying structure of the data and the rules specifying how that data can be manipulated.
BQ: What does SQL stand for?
Personal information manager (PIM): an electronic organizer
-automates some or all or the following functions: address/phone book, appointmenr calender, to do list, miscellaneous notes
-handheld computers can share information with applications such as iCalender running on PCs and Macintoshes.
File Manager: enables users to work with one file a time
Database management system (DBMS): manipulates data in a large collection of data of files, cross-referencing between files as needed.
-used interactively or can be controlled by other programs.
To most users, a relational database program is one that allows tables to be related to each other.
-changes in one table are reflected in other tables automatically
To computer scientists, the term relational database has a technical definition related to: the underlying structure of the data and the rules specifying how that data can be manipulated.
Chapter 7: Database Applications and Privacy Settings
Database: collection of information that has been organized in some fashion making it easy to reference and retrieve.
-->based on last name in combination with the first name
-->unique identifier is combination of two fields
BQ: What is a unique identifier?
Database: storage container for data
Google is one of the most successful companies on WWW.
-Search for Web pages, facts, quotes, etc.
-200 million queries
Launched by Sergey Brin and Larry Page
-Stanford PhD students
-new approach in seach technology
-marks a page relevence by the number of times other related web pages link to it, not how often a word appears)
BQ: Discuss Sergey Brin and Larry Page
A database: collection of information stored on computer disks
Database Software:
-application software
-Designed to maintain databases
Advantages offered by computerized databases:
-make it easier to store large quantities of information
-make it easier to retrieve information quickly and flexibly
-make it easy to to organize and reorganize information
Database Anatomy:
-Database programs: a software rool for organizing the storage and retrieval of information
-Database: a collection of information sored in an organized form in a comuter
--> typically composed of one or more tables or a collection of related information and records
BQ: What is a database program?
A record is the information relating to one person, product, or event
BQ: What is a record?
-Each discrete piece of information in a record is a field.
The type of information a field can hold is determined by its Field Type or Data Type.
Database programs provide tou with more than one way to view data: Form views: show one record at a time or List Views: display several records in lists similar to the way a spreadsheet displays data.
In any view, fields can be rearranged without changing the underlying data
Import: recieve data in the form of text files
Browse: navigate through information
Query: find records that match specific criteria
Sort: rearrange records
Print reports, labels, and form letters: a report is an ordered list of selected records and fields in an easy to read format
-Google is one of the most successful companies on WWW.
--> search for web pages, facts, quotes, etc
--> 200 million queries a day
-Lauched by a Sergey Brin and Larry Page
--> new approach in seach technology
What good is a database:
Database: a collection of information stored on computer disks
Data: pieces of information
-A primary key uniquely identifies a record.
A table is a collection of records of the same type.
Advantages offered by databases:
--> easier to store large quantitites of information, retrieve information quickly and flexibly
-->based on last name in combination with the first name
-->unique identifier is combination of two fields
BQ: What is a unique identifier?
Database: storage container for data
Google is one of the most successful companies on WWW.
-Search for Web pages, facts, quotes, etc.
-200 million queries
Launched by Sergey Brin and Larry Page
-Stanford PhD students
-new approach in seach technology
-marks a page relevence by the number of times other related web pages link to it, not how often a word appears)
BQ: Discuss Sergey Brin and Larry Page
A database: collection of information stored on computer disks
Database Software:
-application software
-Designed to maintain databases
Advantages offered by computerized databases:
-make it easier to store large quantities of information
-make it easier to retrieve information quickly and flexibly
-make it easy to to organize and reorganize information
Database Anatomy:
-Database programs: a software rool for organizing the storage and retrieval of information
-Database: a collection of information sored in an organized form in a comuter
--> typically composed of one or more tables or a collection of related information and records
BQ: What is a database program?
A record is the information relating to one person, product, or event
BQ: What is a record?
-Each discrete piece of information in a record is a field.
The type of information a field can hold is determined by its Field Type or Data Type.
Database programs provide tou with more than one way to view data: Form views: show one record at a time or List Views: display several records in lists similar to the way a spreadsheet displays data.
In any view, fields can be rearranged without changing the underlying data
Import: recieve data in the form of text files
Browse: navigate through information
Query: find records that match specific criteria
Sort: rearrange records
Print reports, labels, and form letters: a report is an ordered list of selected records and fields in an easy to read format
-Google is one of the most successful companies on WWW.
--> search for web pages, facts, quotes, etc
--> 200 million queries a day
-Lauched by a Sergey Brin and Larry Page
--> new approach in seach technology
What good is a database:
Database: a collection of information stored on computer disks
Data: pieces of information
-A primary key uniquely identifies a record.
A table is a collection of records of the same type.
Advantages offered by databases:
--> easier to store large quantitites of information, retrieve information quickly and flexibly
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Chapter 6
Object Oriented drawing gives you these advantages:
-better for creating printed graphs, charts, and illustrations
-lines are leaner and shaper are smoother
Some integrated programs contain both drawing and painting modules
-allows you to choose the right took for each job
Some programs merge features of both in a single application
-blurs the distinction between types
-offers new possibilities for amateur and professional illustrators
Computer Aided Design software:
-allows engineers, designers, and architects to create designs on screen for products ranging from computer chips to pubilc buildings
-can test product prototypes
-cheaper, faster, and more accurate than traditional design by hand techniques
Computer Aided Manufacturing: is the process by which data related to the product design are fed into a program athat controls the manufacturing of parts
Computer Integrated Manufacturing: refers to the combination of CAD/CAM and is a major step toward a fully automated factory\
Presentation Graphics: Bringing Lectures to Life
-automates the creation of visual aids for lectures, training sessions, sales demonstrations, and other presentations
-creates slide shows directly on computer moniters or LCD projectors, inclusing still images, animation, and video clips
Tweening: Instead of drawing each frame by hand, the animator can create key frames and objects and use software to fill in the gaps
-signals are displayed on the computer's screen in real time at the same time they're created or imported
Digital video camras capture footage in digital form
Dynamic Media: Music is digitized on audio CDs at a high sampling rate and bit depth which is high enough that it's hard to tell the diffrence between the original analog sound and the final digital recording.
Digital Dos and Don't
-Don't steal
-understand streaming and downloading
-know your file formats
-don't over compress
WAV, AIFF: Standard formarts for uncompressed audi for Windows and the Mac OS respectivelt. Both formats are supported on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. Both create large files. Both are lossless, a CD track encoded with WAV or AIFF sounds identical to the original.
MP3: a popular format for transmitting audio on the Internet. A CD track converted to MP3 format can be 1/10 the size of the original or smaller but still sonud very similar.
WMA: An alternative to MP3 developed by Microsoft for Windows. WMA compression can reult in smaller files of higher fidelity.
Multimedia computers can control a variety of electronic musical instuments and sound sources using MIDI. MIDI commands can be interpresented by a varierty of: Music synthesizers and samplers
A piano-style keyboard sends MIDI signals to the computer
-Computer interprets the MIDI commands using sequencing software
-sequencing software turns a computer into a musical compsing recording and editing machine
Electronica: music designed from the ground up with digital technology.
-someof the most interesting sequnced music
Hypertext refers to information linted in non-sequential ways
Hypermedia combines text, numbers, graphics, animation, sound effects, music, and other media in hyperlinked documents. useful for online help files and lets user jump between documents all over the Internet.
-better for creating printed graphs, charts, and illustrations
-lines are leaner and shaper are smoother
Some integrated programs contain both drawing and painting modules
-allows you to choose the right took for each job
Some programs merge features of both in a single application
-blurs the distinction between types
-offers new possibilities for amateur and professional illustrators
Computer Aided Design software:
-allows engineers, designers, and architects to create designs on screen for products ranging from computer chips to pubilc buildings
-can test product prototypes
-cheaper, faster, and more accurate than traditional design by hand techniques
Computer Aided Manufacturing: is the process by which data related to the product design are fed into a program athat controls the manufacturing of parts
Computer Integrated Manufacturing: refers to the combination of CAD/CAM and is a major step toward a fully automated factory\
Presentation Graphics: Bringing Lectures to Life
-automates the creation of visual aids for lectures, training sessions, sales demonstrations, and other presentations
-creates slide shows directly on computer moniters or LCD projectors, inclusing still images, animation, and video clips
-remember yout goal
-remember your audience
-outline your ideas
-be stingy with words
-keep it simple
-use a consistent design-be smart with art
-keep each slide focused
-tell them what you are going to tell them, then tell them, and then tell them wha you told them
Modern media contains dynamic information, whixh is information that changes over time or in response to user input
-desktop video
Each frame of computer based ainatiom is a computer drawn picture, the computer displays these frames in rapid sucessionTweening: Instead of drawing each frame by hand, the animator can create key frames and objects and use software to fill in the gaps
Analog and Digital Video: a video digitizer can convert analog video signals from a television broadcast or videotape into digital data
Many video digitizers can import signals from televisions, videotapes, video camera, and other sources-signals are displayed on the computer's screen in real time at the same time they're created or imported
Digital video camras capture footage in digital form
Digital video can be copied, edited, stored, and played back without any loss of quality
Digital video will soon replace analog video for most applications. Blog Question: What is a video digitizer?
-video editing software. such as adobe premiere makes it easy to eliminate extraneous footage, combine clips from multiple takes, splice togther scenes, create specific effects and perform a variety of other activities
Morphs are video clips in which one image metamorphs into anotherData compression software and hardware are used to squeeze data out of movies so that tey can be stored in smaller spaces.
Audio Digitizer: captures sound and stores it as a data file Synthesizer: is an electronic instrument capable of producing sounds by generating electrical signals of different frequencies.
MIDI (Musical Instument Digital Interface): standard interface that allows electronic instruments and computers to communicate with each other. Dynamic Media: Music is digitized on audio CDs at a high sampling rate and bit depth which is high enough that it's hard to tell the diffrence between the original analog sound and the final digital recording.
Digital Dos and Don't
-Don't steal
-understand streaming and downloading
-know your file formats
-don't over compress
WAV, AIFF: Standard formarts for uncompressed audi for Windows and the Mac OS respectivelt. Both formats are supported on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. Both create large files. Both are lossless, a CD track encoded with WAV or AIFF sounds identical to the original.
MP3: a popular format for transmitting audio on the Internet. A CD track converted to MP3 format can be 1/10 the size of the original or smaller but still sonud very similar.
WMA: An alternative to MP3 developed by Microsoft for Windows. WMA compression can reult in smaller files of higher fidelity.
Multimedia computers can control a variety of electronic musical instuments and sound sources using MIDI. MIDI commands can be interpresented by a varierty of: Music synthesizers and samplers
A piano-style keyboard sends MIDI signals to the computer
-Computer interprets the MIDI commands using sequencing software
-sequencing software turns a computer into a musical compsing recording and editing machine
Electronica: music designed from the ground up with digital technology.
-someof the most interesting sequnced music
Hypertext refers to information linted in non-sequential ways
Hypermedia combines text, numbers, graphics, animation, sound effects, music, and other media in hyperlinked documents. useful for online help files and lets user jump between documents all over the Internet.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Chapter 6: Graphics, Digital Media, and Multimedia
Tim Berner's-Lee Weaves the Web for Everybody
-born in London 1955
-Wanted to create an openended distributed hypertext system wuth no boundries so scientists everywhere could link their work together
-Invented the WWW and gave it to all
-Now works at MIT
-Heads the WWW Consortium (W3C)
Painting: Bitmapped Graphics: Painting Software:
-Paints pixels on the screen with a pointing device
-pointer movements are translated into lines and patterns on the screen
-stores an image at 300 dots per inch of higher
Pixels: tiny dots of white, black, or color that make up images on the screen
Paletter: of tools mimics real worls painting tools (also contains other tools that are unique to computers)
Bitmapped Graphics(raster graphics): pictures that show how the pixels are mapped on the screen
Color Depth: the number of bits devoted to each pixel
Resolution: the density of the pixels
Image Processing: Photographic Editing by Computer
-allows the user to manipulate photographs and other high resolution images with tools such as Adobe Photoshop
-Far more powerful than traditional photo-retouching techniques: can distort and combine photos as demonstrated in the tabloids
-can create fabricated images that show no evidence of tampering
-Digital Photo Management Software programs such as Apple iPhoto and Microsoft Pictureit! simplify and automate common tasks associated with captureing, organizing, editing, and sharing digital images.
-Drawing Software stores a picture as a collectin og lines and shapes (object oriented/vector graphics)
Memory demands on storageare not as hign as for bitmapped images
-many drawing tools line, shape, and text tools are similar to painting tools in bitmapped programs.
Post Script: a standard page description language for describing text fonts, illustrations and other elements of the printed page
-used by professional drawing programs such as Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand
-built into many laser printers and other high end out put devices so those devices can understand and follow Post Script Instructions
-Post Script based drawing software constructs a Post Script program as the user draws.
Bitmapped paintings(pixels) gives you these advantages:
-more controls over textures, shadins, and fine detail
-appropriate for screen displays, simulating natural paint media and embellishing photographs
-object-oriented drawing gives you thses advantages:
-better for creating printed graphs, charts and illustrations and lines
-Some integrated programs contain both drawing and painting modules
-allows you to shoose the right tool for each job
-Some programs merge features of both in a single application
-blurs the distinction between types
-offers new possibilities for amateur and professional illustrators.
Creating Smart Art
-reprogram yourself...relax
-choose the right tool for the job
-borrow from the best
-don't borrow without permission
-protect your own work
-born in London 1955
-Wanted to create an openended distributed hypertext system wuth no boundries so scientists everywhere could link their work together
-Invented the WWW and gave it to all
-Now works at MIT
-Heads the WWW Consortium (W3C)
Painting: Bitmapped Graphics: Painting Software:
-Paints pixels on the screen with a pointing device
-pointer movements are translated into lines and patterns on the screen
-stores an image at 300 dots per inch of higher
Pixels: tiny dots of white, black, or color that make up images on the screen
Paletter: of tools mimics real worls painting tools (also contains other tools that are unique to computers)
Bitmapped Graphics(raster graphics): pictures that show how the pixels are mapped on the screen
Color Depth: the number of bits devoted to each pixel
Resolution: the density of the pixels
Image Processing: Photographic Editing by Computer
-allows the user to manipulate photographs and other high resolution images with tools such as Adobe Photoshop
-Far more powerful than traditional photo-retouching techniques: can distort and combine photos as demonstrated in the tabloids
-can create fabricated images that show no evidence of tampering
-Digital Photo Management Software programs such as Apple iPhoto and Microsoft Pictureit! simplify and automate common tasks associated with captureing, organizing, editing, and sharing digital images.
-Drawing Software stores a picture as a collectin og lines and shapes (object oriented/vector graphics)
Memory demands on storageare not as hign as for bitmapped images
-many drawing tools line, shape, and text tools are similar to painting tools in bitmapped programs.
Post Script: a standard page description language for describing text fonts, illustrations and other elements of the printed page
-used by professional drawing programs such as Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand
-built into many laser printers and other high end out put devices so those devices can understand and follow Post Script Instructions
-Post Script based drawing software constructs a Post Script program as the user draws.
Bitmapped paintings(pixels) gives you these advantages:
-more controls over textures, shadins, and fine detail
-appropriate for screen displays, simulating natural paint media and embellishing photographs
-object-oriented drawing gives you thses advantages:
-better for creating printed graphs, charts and illustrations and lines
-Some integrated programs contain both drawing and painting modules
-allows you to shoose the right tool for each job
-Some programs merge features of both in a single application
-blurs the distinction between types
-offers new possibilities for amateur and professional illustrators.
Creating Smart Art
-reprogram yourself...relax
-choose the right tool for the job
-borrow from the best
-don't borrow without permission
-protect your own work
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