1. Key Terms:
-analog signals: a continuous wave
-bandwidth: the quantity of information that can be transmitted through a c ommunication medium in a given amount of time.
-bits per second: the standard unit of measure for modem speed.
-digital signal: a stream of bits
-direct connection: a dedicated direct connection to the Internet through a LAN with a computer having its own IP address
-ethernet: a popular networking architecture developed in 1976 at Xerox.
fiber-optic cable: high capacity cable that uses light waves to carry information at blinding speeds.
-Global Positioning system: a defense department system with 24 satellites that can pinpoint any location on the Earth.
-Local Area Network: netowrk in which the computers are physically close to each other usually in the same building.
-modem: a hardware device that connects a computer to a telephone line.
-network interface card: card that adds an additional serial port to a computer.
-port: socket that allow information to pass in and out.
-remote access: network access via phone line, TV cable
-router: programs or devices that decide how to route Internet transmissions.
-server: a computer especially designed to provide software and other resources to other computers over a network.
-telecommunication: long distance electronic in a variety of forms.
-wide area network: the network extends long distance.
wireless network: a network in which a node has a tiny radio or infrared transmitter connected to its network so it can send and recieve data through air rather than cables
2. Three general reasons for the importance of computer networking is: connects people from different ends of the world, information barrier is now open, communicate with people using long distance and truly understand culture.
3. Using LAN and wireless network, it makes these three general reasons more possible and efficient and convenient for people on the move. The only down fall is that the computer need to be close together.
4. Using WAN, the network extends over long distance. This helps with the communication with LAN and WAN.
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