5. Why is the sentence "Time flies like an arrow" difficult for a computer to parse translate or understand?
Automatic translation was the method that used the parsing program which would analyze sentence structure and identify each word according to whether it was a subject, verb, or other part of speech. The word by word approach failed because without understanding the translation is impossible.
7. What is a knowledge base? What is an expert system? How are the two related?
A knowledge base contains a system of rules of determining and changing the relationship among facts. Facts stored in a database are rigidly organized in categories. An expert system is a software program designed to replicate the decision making process of a human expert.
11. What rules might a computer use to sort the characters shown on page 597 into A's and B's?
Optical character Recognition locates and identifies printed characters embedded in images-it reads text. Much current work in artificial intelligence is focused on neural networks or neural nets-distrubuted, parallel computing systems inspired by the structure of the human brain. For a neaural net to learn to recognize the letter A, it must go through a series of trals in which circuite patterns that produce incorrect guesses are weakened and patterns that produce correct guesses are strengthened.
14. What distinguishes a robot from a desktop computer?
A robot is a computer controlled machine designed to perform specific manual tasks. Robots include output peripherals for manipulating their environments and input sensors that enable them to perform self-correcting actions based on feedback from outside. Robots perform a variety of dangerous and tedious tasks, in some cases, outperforming humans. The most important hardware differences between robots and other computers are the input and output peripherals.
ITGS Notes
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Increase Teleworking
Teleworking or Telecommuting is literally, "employment at home while communicating with the workplace by phone, fax, or modem"
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Discussion Question:
Is the Turing test a valid test of intelligence? Why or why not?
The Turing test is a test of a machine's ability to demonstrate intelligence. A human judge engages in a natural language conversation with one human and one machine, each of which tries to appear human. All participants are separated from one another. If the judge cannot reliably tell the machine from the human, the machine is said to have passed the test. I think that it is not a valid way to test intelligence because intelligence is not just the ability to communicate but the ability to do work too. I feel an intelligent machine would commmunicate and do required work.
List several mental task that people do better than computers. List several mental tasks that computers do better than people. Can you find any general characteristics that distinguisht he intems ofn the two lists.
Humans can feel emotion and have the ability to love, hate, and be sad whereas computers are completely emotionless. Computers and humans can multi-task.
The Turing test is a test of a machine's ability to demonstrate intelligence. A human judge engages in a natural language conversation with one human and one machine, each of which tries to appear human. All participants are separated from one another. If the judge cannot reliably tell the machine from the human, the machine is said to have passed the test. I think that it is not a valid way to test intelligence because intelligence is not just the ability to communicate but the ability to do work too. I feel an intelligent machine would commmunicate and do required work.
List several mental task that people do better than computers. List several mental tasks that computers do better than people. Can you find any general characteristics that distinguisht he intems ofn the two lists.
Humans can feel emotion and have the ability to love, hate, and be sad whereas computers are completely emotionless. Computers and humans can multi-task.
Monday, April 25, 2011
4 Review Questions: p535-540
1. In what sense is AI a "moving frontier"?
According to a textbook definition, artificial intelligence is a moving frontier. Elaine Rich says, "artificial intelligence is the study how to make computers do things at which at the moment, people are better. It can be seen as "whatever has not be done yet."
2. What are disadvantages of the approach to AI that attempts to simulate human intelligence? What is the alternative?
Some disadvantages include people having trouble knowing and describing how they do things, vast differences between the structure and capabilites of the human brain and those of the computer, and the best way to do something with a machine is often very different from the way people would do it. The alternative involves designing intelligent machines independent of the way people think.
3. Describe several techniques used in game-playing software and explain how they can be applied to other AI applications.
One way to win a game is through searching, looking ahead at the possibilities generated by each potential move. Another technique is heuristics which is basically a rule of thumb. It guides us toward judgements that experience tells us are likely to be true. Third is pattern recognition where a recurring pattern is recognized. This is a huge advantage for the human players against the opponent. Lastly, there is machine learning which is if a move pays off, a learning program will use that technique in future games.
6. What is the relationship between syntax and semantics? Can you construct a sentence that follows rules of English syntax but has nonsense semantics?
Syntax is a set of rules for constructing sentences from words whereas semantics is the underlying meaning of words and phrases. I mean you can construct a sentence but what good would it do without proper semantics. A perfect english sentence would follow the rules of syntax and semantics.
According to a textbook definition, artificial intelligence is a moving frontier. Elaine Rich says, "artificial intelligence is the study how to make computers do things at which at the moment, people are better. It can be seen as "whatever has not be done yet."
2. What are disadvantages of the approach to AI that attempts to simulate human intelligence? What is the alternative?
Some disadvantages include people having trouble knowing and describing how they do things, vast differences between the structure and capabilites of the human brain and those of the computer, and the best way to do something with a machine is often very different from the way people would do it. The alternative involves designing intelligent machines independent of the way people think.
3. Describe several techniques used in game-playing software and explain how they can be applied to other AI applications.
One way to win a game is through searching, looking ahead at the possibilities generated by each potential move. Another technique is heuristics which is basically a rule of thumb. It guides us toward judgements that experience tells us are likely to be true. Third is pattern recognition where a recurring pattern is recognized. This is a huge advantage for the human players against the opponent. Lastly, there is machine learning which is if a move pays off, a learning program will use that technique in future games.
6. What is the relationship between syntax and semantics? Can you construct a sentence that follows rules of English syntax but has nonsense semantics?
Syntax is a set of rules for constructing sentences from words whereas semantics is the underlying meaning of words and phrases. I mean you can construct a sentence but what good would it do without proper semantics. A perfect english sentence would follow the rules of syntax and semantics.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Review Questions for p. 470-475
1. Define Key Terms.
-B2B: e-commerce tranactions that incolve ebusinesses providing goods or services to toerh businesses.
-B2C: e-commerce transactions that involve businesses providing goods or services to consumers.
-B2E: another name for the B2B model when the focus is primarily on handling the activities that take place within the organization.
-C2C: The e-commerce model with represents indiviuals, organizations, or companies that are selling and buying directly with each other via the Internet.
-CRM: software sustems for organizing and tracing information on customers.
-dot-com: internet based companies
-e-commerce: business transactions through electronic networks.
-electronic payment system: an online credit card transaction in which a trusted third party transfers fund form one person or business to another, thereby concealingthe credit card information of the buyer from the seller.
-intranet: a self-contained interorganizational network that is designed using the same technology as the Internet.
-mobile commerce: in which workers use laptips and wireless handheld devices to take their offices with them wherever they travel.
-virtual private network: a network that uses encryption software to create secure tunnels through the public internet or between intranets.
-web hosting service: a service that provides the e-commerce software and expertise to run an online business.
6. What is the purpose of extranets? What is the main characteristics of an extranet?
An extranet is an extended intranet which is a private interorganizational information sustem connectinf the intraners of two or more companies in an e-marketplace. Some characterices of an extranet include a secure private network, public network, birtual private network.
8. List the capabilities e-commerce software should provide.
-B2B: e-commerce tranactions that incolve ebusinesses providing goods or services to toerh businesses.
-B2C: e-commerce transactions that involve businesses providing goods or services to consumers.
-B2E: another name for the B2B model when the focus is primarily on handling the activities that take place within the organization.
-C2C: The e-commerce model with represents indiviuals, organizations, or companies that are selling and buying directly with each other via the Internet.
-CRM: software sustems for organizing and tracing information on customers.
-dot-com: internet based companies
-e-commerce: business transactions through electronic networks.
-electronic payment system: an online credit card transaction in which a trusted third party transfers fund form one person or business to another, thereby concealingthe credit card information of the buyer from the seller.
-intranet: a self-contained interorganizational network that is designed using the same technology as the Internet.
-mobile commerce: in which workers use laptips and wireless handheld devices to take their offices with them wherever they travel.
-virtual private network: a network that uses encryption software to create secure tunnels through the public internet or between intranets.
-web hosting service: a service that provides the e-commerce software and expertise to run an online business.
6. What is the purpose of extranets? What is the main characteristics of an extranet?
An extranet is an extended intranet which is a private interorganizational information sustem connectinf the intraners of two or more companies in an e-marketplace. Some characterices of an extranet include a secure private network, public network, birtual private network.
8. List the capabilities e-commerce software should provide.
-increasing the speed of business to business transactions
-reducing errors on intercompany transactions
-reducing costs of telecommunications
-increasing the volume of business with partners
-exchaning business to business documents
-checking on inventory and order status from suppliers
-collaborating with business partners on joint projects.
9. List the ethical issues of E-Commerce.
-A statement of the of the organization's privacy policy
-A statement that a person's permission must be secured before his or her ID
-A statement on how the company will inform cnusomers of the inteneded uses of personal information gathered during an online tranactions.
-A statement that addresses issues of ownership with respect to network postings and communication
-A statement of how the company moniters or tracks user behavior.
Review Questions for p. 461-464
2. Is e-commerce possible without the Internet?
Electronic commerce is the process of sharing business information, maintaining business relationships, and conducting business transactions through the use of telecommunications networks. The answer to the question is no because of the clause that all of e-commerce is possible through the use of telecommunications networks. Some say that since the 1990s, e-commerce is internet based.
3. Describe the three forms of e-commerce.
a. The first form of e-commerce is B2B (business-to-business) which represents interorganizational information systems in which a company handles transactions within its own value chain and with other businesses and organizations.
b. The second form of e-commerce is B2B (business to consumer) which represents retail transactions between a company and individual customers.
c. The third form of e-commerce is C2C which represents indiviuals, organizations, or companies that are selling and buying directly with each other via the Internet.
4. What are the main purposes of the Intranet? What are the Characteristics?
An intranet is made up of physical technology and information content. The physical elements of an intranet are a network and other computers wih client software installed. The physical network can be LAN or WAN. The communication software for an intranet includes middleware and TCP/IP. An intranet also includes firewall software for secuity and an intranet should provide users within an organization easy access to information.
5. What are three important ways companies use intranets?
a. To provide employees access to imporant information for their jobs
b. facilitate employees teamwork and collaboration within and amond departments
c. to process internal company tranactions online.
Electronic commerce is the process of sharing business information, maintaining business relationships, and conducting business transactions through the use of telecommunications networks. The answer to the question is no because of the clause that all of e-commerce is possible through the use of telecommunications networks. Some say that since the 1990s, e-commerce is internet based.
3. Describe the three forms of e-commerce.
a. The first form of e-commerce is B2B (business-to-business) which represents interorganizational information systems in which a company handles transactions within its own value chain and with other businesses and organizations.
b. The second form of e-commerce is B2B (business to consumer) which represents retail transactions between a company and individual customers.
c. The third form of e-commerce is C2C which represents indiviuals, organizations, or companies that are selling and buying directly with each other via the Internet.
4. What are the main purposes of the Intranet? What are the Characteristics?
An intranet is made up of physical technology and information content. The physical elements of an intranet are a network and other computers wih client software installed. The physical network can be LAN or WAN. The communication software for an intranet includes middleware and TCP/IP. An intranet also includes firewall software for secuity and an intranet should provide users within an organization easy access to information.
5. What are three important ways companies use intranets?
a. To provide employees access to imporant information for their jobs
b. facilitate employees teamwork and collaboration within and amond departments
c. to process internal company tranactions online.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Discussion Question:
You are planning on starting your own business selling clothes. Discuss pros and cons for starting an e-business
A few pros of having an e-business that people anywhere can purchase your clothes. Let's say I am in China and I want to buy the new Michael Kors bag but it isn't available in China, then I would go online and buy it. Same thing, if I have a very popular bag then anyone, anywhere in the world who has access to a computer and a credit/debit card can purchase the bag. Also any positive would be that these are made to sell stuff. Like if I had a whole store full of bags and 300 bags were still left unsold then I would just end up either throwing them away, giving them away, or selling them for less that I bought them just to get rid it. A con of having an e business is many hackers target e businesses and steal information and money. In order to prevent that, one must buy a very high end security system and that could cost a lot of money but could be a very good investment. Another big con is that consumers will not be able to try on the clothes before they buy it and let's say that someone bought a shirt but it was not their size, then when they ship it back to us, it costs the business money, and then shipping it back to them also costs us money. Lastly, the price of shipping nowadays is SO expensive and first even I had the consumer pay the shipping, it would be a HUGE turnoff to pay like $30 for shipping.
A few pros of having an e-business that people anywhere can purchase your clothes. Let's say I am in China and I want to buy the new Michael Kors bag but it isn't available in China, then I would go online and buy it. Same thing, if I have a very popular bag then anyone, anywhere in the world who has access to a computer and a credit/debit card can purchase the bag. Also any positive would be that these are made to sell stuff. Like if I had a whole store full of bags and 300 bags were still left unsold then I would just end up either throwing them away, giving them away, or selling them for less that I bought them just to get rid it. A con of having an e business is many hackers target e businesses and steal information and money. In order to prevent that, one must buy a very high end security system and that could cost a lot of money but could be a very good investment. Another big con is that consumers will not be able to try on the clothes before they buy it and let's say that someone bought a shirt but it was not their size, then when they ship it back to us, it costs the business money, and then shipping it back to them also costs us money. Lastly, the price of shipping nowadays is SO expensive and first even I had the consumer pay the shipping, it would be a HUGE turnoff to pay like $30 for shipping.
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