Friday, November 12, 2010


Formulas can be relative-referring to different cells when they are copied
Absolute-formula references never changes when they are copied.
Functions automate complex (SUM, AAVG, SQRT)
Macros store keystrokes and commands so they can be played back automatically
Templates offer ready to use worksheets with labels and formulas already entered. Linking spreadsheets together when the values change in one spreadsheet, the data is automatically updated in all linked spreadsheets.
Database capabilities search for information, sort the data by a specific criteria, merge the data with a word processor, generate reports
Rules of Thumb: Avoiding spreadsheet pitfalls
-plan the worksheet before you start entering values and formulas
-make your assumptions as accurate as possible.
-Double-check every formula and value.
-Make formulas readable
-Check your output against other systems
-Build in cross checks
-change the input data values and study the results
-take advantage of pre-programmed functions, templates, and macros
-Use a spreadsheet as a decision making aid not a decision maker.
What if Questions
-Spreadsheets allow you to change numbers and instantly see the effects of those canges.
Equations Solbers
0Some spreadsheets generate data needed to fit a given equation and target calue
Spreadshee Graphics
-Charts allow you to turn numbers into isual data
-pie charts show proportions relative to the whole.
-Line charts show trends or relationships over time
-Use bar charts is data falls into a few categories
-Use scatter charts to discover rather than display a relationshoip between two variables.
Choose the right charts for the job
-Think abut the message you’re trying to convey
-Pie Charts, bar charts, line charts, and scatter charts are not interchangeable
Keep it simple, familiar, and understandable
-Use Charts in magazines, books, and newspapers as models
-Strive to reveal the truth, not hide it
Accounting and Financial Mangement software allows you to electronically handle routine transactions such as:
-writing checks
-balancing accounts
-creating budgets
-using online banking services
-preparing taxes-Quick Book
Mathematics processing software
-software turns abstract mathematical relationships into visual objects. (Mathematica  by Wolfram)
=Generally they include an interactive, wizard-like question and answer mode, a programming language, and tools for creating interactive documents that combine text, numerical expressions, and graphics.
Statistical and data analysis software
-collects and analyzes data that tests the strength of data relationships
-Can produce graphs showing how two or more variables relate to each other
-can often uncover trends by browsing through two and three dimensional graphs of data looking for unusual patterns in the dots and lines that appear on the screen.
    Scientific Visualization
-Scientificvisualization software uses shape, location in pace, color, brightness, and motin to help us visualize data.
Visualization helps researchers see relatinshops that might have been obsure or even impossible to grasp withour cimptuer aided visualization tools.

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