Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Chapter 5: Productivity Applications

  • Describe how word processing and desktop publishing software have revolutionized writing and publishing
  • Discuss the potential impact of desktop publishing and web publishing on the concept of freedom of the press
  • Speculate about future developments in word processing and digital publishing
  • Descirbe the basic functions and applications of spreadsheets and other types of statistical and simulation programs.
Doug Engelbart Explores Hyperspace:
-One of the pioneers of the computer hardware and software
  • In 1968, he demonstrated his Augment System: mouse, video display editing, mixed text and graphics, windowing, outlining, shared screen video conferencing, computer conferencing, groupware, hypermedia
Working With a Word Processor involves several steps:
  • Entering Text
  • Editing Text
  • Formatting the document
  • Proofreading the document
  • Saving the document on disk
  • Printing the document
Entering, Editing, and Formatting Text
-Entering Text
  • Text is displayed on the screen and ftored in the computer's RAM
  • Save your work periodically because RAM is not permanaent memory
-Editing Text
  • Navigate to different parts of a document
  • Insert or Delete text at any point
  • Move and copy text
  • Seach and replace words or phrases.
Word Processors and Other Word Tools
-Formatting Commands
-Formatting Characters
  • characters are measured by point size (one point is equal to 1/72 inch
  • A font is a size anf style of typeface
  • Serif fonts have serifs or fine lines at the ends of each character.
  • You can use monospaced fonts and proportionally spaced fonts.
-Formatting paragraphs invovlves
  • Margin Settings
  • Line Spacing
  • Indents
  • Tabs
  • Justification
-Formatting the doument
  • Stylesheets
  • Header and Footers
  • Multiple Variable Columns
  • Graphics
  • Automatic editing heatures
  • Hidden comments
  • Table of contents and indexes
  • Coaching and help features
  • Conversion to HTML or Web Publishing
Rules of Thumb: Word Processing is Not Typing
-Use the reutn or enter key only when you must
-Word wrap moves text to the next line
Use tabs and margin gruides not the spacebar to align columns
-WYSIWYG is a matter of degree
-Text that looks perfectly aligned  onscreen may not line up on paper.
Don't Underline
-Use Italics and boldface for emphasis; italisize books and journal titles
Use only one space after a period
-proportionally spaced fonts look better withuot double spaces
Take Advantage of special characters
-Bullets, dashes, and smart quotes make your work look more professional
Outliners and Idea Processors are effective at:
-Arranging information into levels
-rearraging ideas and levels
-hiding and revealing levels of detail as needed.
Digital References:
-dictionaries, quotation books, encyclopedias, ,atlasses, almanacs, and other references are now available in digital form
-the biggest advantage of the electronic form is speed.
-the biggest drawback is that quick and easy copying might tempt wiriters to plagarize.
Synonym Finders.
-a computerized thesaurus cann provide instantaneious feedback for sunonyms
Spelling Checkers
-compare words in your document with words in a disk-based dictioniary
-Words might be flagged but you make the decision to ignore or change the spelling
Grammar and Style Checkers
-Analyze each word in context, checking for errors of content Check spelling
-Point out possible errors and suggest improvements
-Analyze pros complexity using measurements such as sentence length and paragraphs.
Form Letter Generators.
-Mail Merge capabilities produce personalized form letters.
  • Create a database with names
  • Create a form letter
  • Merge the database with the form letter to create a personalized letter.
You can incorporate custom paragraphs based on the recipient's personal data
-Each letter looks as if it were individually written
Collaborative Writing Tools
-Groupware; software designed to be used by a work group
-provides for collaborative writing and editing
-Tracks changes and identifies them by the originator's name
-Compares document versions and highlights differences in documents
-Processing handwritten words
-Processing words with software that can reliably recognize human speech
-Anticipating a writer's , acting as an electronic editor or co-author.
What is Desktop publishing?
-The process of producing a book, magazine, or other publication includes several steps: Writing Text, Editing Text, Producing drawing photographs, and other graphics to accompany the text
-designing a basic format for the publication
typesetting text
arranging text and graphics on pages
-typesetting and printing pages
-binding pages into a finished publication
-Modern desktop publishing teachnolgy (DTP0, the producyion processes can be accompanied with sophisticated tools that are affordable and easy to use.
-Desktop Publishing Sfotware
  • Image Editing Software
  • Page Layout software combines the various source documents into a coherent visually appealing publication
Rules of Thumb:
  • Plan before you pubolish
  • Use appropriate fonts
  • Don't go style crazy
  • Vieww your document through your reader's eyes
  • -Learn from your masters
  • Know your limitations
  • Remember the : "The purpose of publishing is communiation, don't try to use technolgy to disguise the lack of something to communicate."
Why Desktop Publishing?
  • Save money
  • Saves time
  • Can reduce the number of publication errors
  • Offers new hope for every indiviaul's right to ppublish
Paperless Publishing and the Web
-A common prediction is that desktop publishing and paper publishing in general will be replaced by paperless electronic media

The Maleable Matrix
-The spreadsheet consists of Cells and Addresses

Spreadsheets can contain Values and Labels
Formulas allow you to create instructions using mathematical expressions and commands

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