Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ITGS NOTES: File Management

File Management: Where is my Stuff?
-Files can be scattered all over the system which often makes data management difficult
-one solution to this problem is to organize data files logically
-Both Windows and the Mac support the notion of common system folders with self-explanatory name such as My Documents, My Pictures, and My Music
File Management Utilities
-View, rename, copy, move, and delete files and folders
-hierarchies help with organization
-help with locating a file
-get size, file typer, and last modification date
Managing Files from Applications
-Operations: Open, Save As, Save, and Close
Software Piracy-illegal duplication of copyrighted software
-the software industry is a $50 billion a year busniess sector
-billions of dollars are lost each year to software pirates
-one-third of all software is illegally copied.
Applications and Interfaces:
-The WIMP(windows, icons, menus, and pointing devices) interface is easier to learn and use them

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