-better for creating printed graphs, charts, and illustrations
-lines are leaner and shaper are smoother
Some integrated programs contain both drawing and painting modules
-allows you to choose the right took for each job
Some programs merge features of both in a single application
-blurs the distinction between types
-offers new possibilities for amateur and professional illustrators
Computer Aided Design software:
-allows engineers, designers, and architects to create designs on screen for products ranging from computer chips to pubilc buildings
-can test product prototypes
-cheaper, faster, and more accurate than traditional design by hand techniques
Computer Aided Manufacturing: is the process by which data related to the product design are fed into a program athat controls the manufacturing of parts
Computer Integrated Manufacturing: refers to the combination of CAD/CAM and is a major step toward a fully automated factory\
Presentation Graphics: Bringing Lectures to Life
-automates the creation of visual aids for lectures, training sessions, sales demonstrations, and other presentations
-creates slide shows directly on computer moniters or LCD projectors, inclusing still images, animation, and video clips
-remember yout goal
-remember your audience
-outline your ideas
-be stingy with words
-keep it simple
-use a consistent design-be smart with art
-keep each slide focused
-tell them what you are going to tell them, then tell them, and then tell them wha you told them
Modern media contains dynamic information, whixh is information that changes over time or in response to user input
-desktop video
Each frame of computer based ainatiom is a computer drawn picture, the computer displays these frames in rapid sucessionTweening: Instead of drawing each frame by hand, the animator can create key frames and objects and use software to fill in the gaps
Analog and Digital Video: a video digitizer can convert analog video signals from a television broadcast or videotape into digital data
Many video digitizers can import signals from televisions, videotapes, video camera, and other sources-signals are displayed on the computer's screen in real time at the same time they're created or imported
Digital video camras capture footage in digital form
Digital video can be copied, edited, stored, and played back without any loss of quality
Digital video will soon replace analog video for most applications. Blog Question: What is a video digitizer?
-video editing software. such as adobe premiere makes it easy to eliminate extraneous footage, combine clips from multiple takes, splice togther scenes, create specific effects and perform a variety of other activities
Morphs are video clips in which one image metamorphs into anotherData compression software and hardware are used to squeeze data out of movies so that tey can be stored in smaller spaces.
Audio Digitizer: captures sound and stores it as a data file Synthesizer: is an electronic instrument capable of producing sounds by generating electrical signals of different frequencies.
MIDI (Musical Instument Digital Interface): standard interface that allows electronic instruments and computers to communicate with each other. Dynamic Media: Music is digitized on audio CDs at a high sampling rate and bit depth which is high enough that it's hard to tell the diffrence between the original analog sound and the final digital recording.
Digital Dos and Don't
-Don't steal
-understand streaming and downloading
-know your file formats
-don't over compress
WAV, AIFF: Standard formarts for uncompressed audi for Windows and the Mac OS respectivelt. Both formats are supported on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. Both create large files. Both are lossless, a CD track encoded with WAV or AIFF sounds identical to the original.
MP3: a popular format for transmitting audio on the Internet. A CD track converted to MP3 format can be 1/10 the size of the original or smaller but still sonud very similar.
WMA: An alternative to MP3 developed by Microsoft for Windows. WMA compression can reult in smaller files of higher fidelity.
Multimedia computers can control a variety of electronic musical instuments and sound sources using MIDI. MIDI commands can be interpresented by a varierty of: Music synthesizers and samplers
A piano-style keyboard sends MIDI signals to the computer
-Computer interprets the MIDI commands using sequencing software
-sequencing software turns a computer into a musical compsing recording and editing machine
Electronica: music designed from the ground up with digital technology.
-someof the most interesting sequnced music
Hypertext refers to information linted in non-sequential ways
Hypermedia combines text, numbers, graphics, animation, sound effects, music, and other media in hyperlinked documents. useful for online help files and lets user jump between documents all over the Internet.